Chapter I

17.11.23 – 14.01.24


Time to brush your teeth:
“I entered through this space of intimacy by locking myself in. This simple gesture always felt like entering a new dimension, leaving all stories behind - by the simple act of twisting this lock. The window was kept open, letting in a gentle breeze whispering onto my neck. The rug tickles my toes, but I know that out of this safe island, a cold tiled floor awaits my gravity center. I grabbed my toothbrush, and with a thoughtless gesture, applied the paste onto a forest of little hairs. My hand, my arm, my mouth, in fact my entire body know what to do. It acts its usual choreography, and while my body parts converse with each others, the reflection of my funny faces through the mirror dissolves. My head separates itself by thoughts carrying me adrift. Anywhere but here. From now. For now. And by the time I came back, water was already cascading through the siphon, taking with its flow all my wanders away. Towel kissing my lips, fingertips ready to unlock the door, I am ready to forget, and I know that soon, I ́ll wonder if I already brushed my teeth.”

Waterfall, glazed stoneware, synthetic rubber, PVC, 72 x 86 x 13 cm, 2023

System for thought process, glazed stoneware, synthetic rubber, polymer clay, industrial gardening plastic hose, metal, variable dimensions, 2022 - 2023

Ploc /Fountain #8, Plic /Fountain #7, glazed stoneware, industrial porcelain sink, polymer clay, metal, speaker, looping sound piece “Plic-Ploc”, 7”20´, 44 x 55 x 47 cm, 57 x 72 x 42 cm, 2022 - 2023

Drain for wanders, glazed stoneware, raku-fired casted porcelain, industrial ceramic sink, wood, metal, 63,5 x 61,5 x 34 cm, 2023

Forgotten embrace, glazed stoneware, 33 x 43 x 5 cm, 2023

Pink solace, Lighthouse, glazed stoneware, light bulb, electric cord, acrylic compound, 25 x 70 x 25 cm, 26 × 84 × 26 cm, 2023

Siphon for warm wishes, Glazed stoneware, concrete tiles, wood, metal, 40 x 50 x 20 cm, 2022 - 2023

Good Morning & Good Evening, glazed stoneware, (2x) 8,5 x 58 x 8 cm, 2023

Fluid communication, glazed stoneware, concrete tiles, shower hose, wood, metal brackets, 120 x 105 x 22 cm, 2022 - 2023

Documentation: Thor Brødreskift
Support: Bergen Kommune, Kulturdirektoratet.